
I review for BookSneeze

Monday, May 3, 2010

Plan B by Pete Wilson

Plan B by Pete Wilson was a huge help to me. I have been going through some rough times, as we all do, and began wondering if I was just doing everything wrong and missing what God had intended for me to do and was honestly, a little mad at God for my circumstances. Wilson helped me realize that although it’s not the way I thought my life was going to go, God has a plan and this is the path he intended me to take. All the events that happen on the way, good and bad, I need to experience for some reason or another. Wilson is gentle in the way he presents Plan B but is stern about what God intends for us and re-enforces it with biblical references and personal experience. This is a book everyone needs to read at some point or another to be reminded of how God works – in his own way and time, not ours.